WooCommerce Drip

Version 1.3.1 Updated on March 30, 2024

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Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $7.99.

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WooCommerce Drip

The WooCommerce Drip Plugin is a marketing automation tool that allows you to create targeted email campaigns and automate follow-up emails to customers based on their behavior and interactions with your WooCommerce store. The plugin integrates with your WooCommerce store and allows you to create personalized email sequences to nurture leads, increase conversions, and build customer loyalty.

Key Features

  1. Behavioral Triggers: Set up email campaigns based on customer behavior, such as abandoned carts, purchase history, and product views.
  2. Automated Email Sequences: Create personalized email sequences that are triggered by specific events, such as welcome emails, abandoned cart reminders, and post-purchase follow-ups.
  3. Conditional Logic: Use conditional logic to create targeted email campaigns based on customer demographics, purchase history, and other criteria.
  4. Personalization: Personalize emails using customer data, such as name, order history, and product preferences.
  5. A/B Testing: Test different email subject lines, content, and sending times to optimize campaign performance.
  6. Analytics and Reporting: Track email open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated from each campaign.
  7. Integration with WooCommerce: Seamless integration with WooCommerce allows you to access customer data and order history.
  8. Customizable Templates: Use pre-built email templates or create your own using a drag-and-drop editor.

Use Cases

  1. Abandoned Cart Recovery: Send targeted emails to customers who have abandoned their carts to encourage them to complete their purchase.
  2. Welcome Series: Create a series of welcome emails to new customers, introducing them to your brand and products.
  3. Post-Purchase Follow-up: Send follow-up emails to customers after a purchase, thanking them for their business and offering related products or services.
  4. Win-Back Campaigns: Target inactive customers with personalized emails to win them back and encourage repeat business.
  5. Product Recommendations: Send targeted emails to customers based on their purchase history and product preferences.


  1. Increased Conversions: Automate follow-up emails to encourage customers to complete their purchase or make repeat purchases.
  2. Improved Customer Engagement: Personalize emails to build customer loyalty and encourage repeat business.
  3. Time-Saving: Automate email campaigns to save time and focus on other areas of your business.
  4. Data-Driven Insights: Track campaign performance and make data-driven decisions to optimize your email marketing strategy.


The WooCommerce Drip Plugin is a powerful marketing automation tool that helps you create targeted email campaigns and automate follow-up emails to customers. With its behavioral triggers, conditional logic, and personalization features, you can increase conversions, improve customer engagement, and build customer loyalty.


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