OxyExtras Oxygen addon

Version 1.4.6 Updated on May 1, 2024

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Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $9.80.

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OxyExtras Oxygen addon

OxyExtras Oxygen addon is a collection of tools that can enhance your experience when using Oxygen Builder. Here are some of its features:

  1. Keyboard Shortcuts: With OxyExtras, you can use keyboard shortcuts to perform common actions, such as saving, copying, pasting, and adding new sections or divs. This can help improve your efficiency and productivity.
  2. Right-Click Menu: OxyExtras adds a right-click menu to Oxygen Builder, which includes common actions like copying elements or sections, copying and pasting styles, and copying conditions. This can save you time and make it easier to perform certain tasks.
  3. Improved Structure Panel: OxyExtras offers an improved structure panel with icons that denote the type of element you’re working with, quick renaming, improved drag and drop, and more.
  4. Hydrogen Paste: OxyExtras includes a free Hydrogen Paste add-on that allows you to share prebuilt components between sites by copying and pasting.


Overall, OxyExtras can be a valuable addition to your Oxygen Builder toolkit, providing you with useful features that can help improve your workflow and productivity.


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