AutomateWoo Birthdays Addon – Woocommerce Emails

Version 1.3.36 Updated on May 17, 2024

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Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $8.80.

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AutomateWoo Birthdays Addon

The AutomateWoo Birthdays Addon is a plugin that integrates with AutomateWoo, a popular automation plugin for WooCommerce, to help online store owners celebrate their customers’ birthdays and increase customer loyalty.

Key Features

Birthday Detection: Automatically detects customers’ birthdays from their profile information or via a custom field.

Customizable Birthday Messages: Sends personalized birthday messages to customers via email or SMS, with options to customize the content, tone, and timing.

Exclusive Offers: Offers customers exclusive discounts, free gifts, or other rewards on their birthday, encouraging them to make a purchase.

Automated Workflows: Triggers automated workflows in AutomateWoo to perform tasks such as:

    • Sending birthday emails or SMS
    • Applying discounts or rewards
    • Updating customer profiles

Integration with AutomateWoo: Seamlessly integrates with AutomateWoo, allowing you to create complex automation workflows based on customer birthdays.

Customizable Birthday Triggers: Triggers birthday messages and offers based on specific conditions, such as:

    • Exact birthday match
    • Birthday month
    • Birthday week

Analytics and Reporting: Provides insights into birthday-related metrics, such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.


  1. Increased Customer Loyalty: Shows customers you care about their special day, fostering loyalty and encouraging repeat business.
  2. Boosted Sales: Offers and discounts on birthdays can drive sales and increase revenue.
  3. Personalized Experience: Provides a personalized experience for customers, making them feel valued and appreciated.
  4. Streamlined Automation: Automates birthday-related tasks, saving time and reducing manual effort.


The AutomateWoo Birthdays Addon is a powerful tool for WooCommerce store owners who want to celebrate their customers’ birthdays and increase customer loyalty. Its customizable features, automated workflows, and analytics capabilities make it an excellent choice for businesses looking to personalize their customer experience and drive sales.


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