Search & Filter Pro Plugin – Advanced Filtering

Version 2.5.18 Updated on July 15, 2024

Or buy single with 1 year manual updates

Original price was: $25.00.Current price is: $5.80.

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Search & Filter Pro Plugin

Search & Filter Pro is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows users to search and filter posts, custom posts, and products by various parameters, including custom fields, post meta, taxonomies, tags, categories, authors, post types, and post dates. This plugin is designed to provide an advanced filtering system for WordPress websites, making it easy for users to find what they are looking for.

Key Features

  • Search by custom fields, post meta, taxonomies, tags, categories, authors, post types, and post dates
  • Use AJAX to display results without page reloading
  • Search post meta/custom fields with checkboxes, radio buttons, dropdowns, multiselects, or comboboxes
  • jQuery range slider, date pickers, and auto-complete comboboxes for selects and multiselects
  • Order results by meta value, Post ID, author, title, name, date, date modified, parent ID, random, comment count, and menu order
  • Drag & drop editor for creating custom search forms
  • Use custom templates
  • Create as many fields and different search forms as you like
  • Compatible with popular e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce, WP eCommerce, and Easy Digital Downloads
  • Works with WPML and Advanced Custom Fields


Search & Filter Pro is a robust plugin that provides a comprehensive filtering system for WordPress websites. Its advanced features, such as AJAX search, custom field search, and drag & drop editor, make it an ideal choice for websites that require a powerful search and filtering system.


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GPL Licenced

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