Pretty Links Pro plugin

Version 3.6.8 Updated on July 24, 2024

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Pretty Links Pro

Pretty Links Pro is a WordPress plugin designed to help affiliate marketers, bloggers, and online businesses manage and optimize their affiliate links, URLs, and redirects. The plugin provides a range of features to cloak, track, and manage affiliate links, making it easier to monetize online content and improve website performance.

Key Features

Link Cloaking: Allows users to cloak affiliate links, making them look more professional and reducing the risk of commission theft.

Link Tracking: Provides detailed tracking and analytics for affiliate links, including:

    • Click tracking
    • Conversion tracking
    • Earnings tracking
    • Referrer tracking

Redirect Types: Supports various redirect types, including:

    • 301 permanent redirects
    • 302 temporary redirects
    • JavaScript redirects
    • Meta refresh redirects

Link Management: Offers advanced link management features, including:

    • Link categorization and tagging
    • Link grouping and organization
    • Link importing and exporting

Automated Link Replacement: Automatically replaces affiliate links in content with cloaked links, saving time and effort.

Keyword Replacement: Replaces keywords in content with affiliate links, making it easier to monetize content.

Link Rotation: Rotates affiliate links to promote multiple products or services, increasing earnings potential.

Integration and API: Supports integration with popular affiliate programs and services, including:

    • Amazon Associates
    • ShareASale
    • ClickBank
    • Commission Junction

Use Cases

  • Affiliate Marketing: Use Pretty Links Pro to cloak and track affiliate links, increasing earnings and improving affiliate marketing campaigns.
  • Content Monetization: Monetize online content by replacing keywords with affiliate links, increasing revenue and improving website performance.
  • URL Management: Manage and optimize URLs for better SEO, improving website ranking and visibility.


Pretty Links Pro is a powerful plugin that helps affiliate marketers, bloggers, and online businesses manage and optimize their affiliate links, URLs, and redirects. With its advanced link cloaking, tracking, and management features, it’s an ideal solution for monetizing online content and improving website performance.

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GPL Licenced

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