BricksExtras Plugin

Version 1.5.1 Updated on April 24, 2024

Or buy single with 1 year manual updates

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $7.80.

… Licensed under GPLv2 (or later) – learn more

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BricksExtras is a premium plugin designed specifically for Bricks Builder, a popular page builder for WordPress. It’s a powerful addon that offers a growing library of elements and features, focusing on accessibility, flexibility, and expanding the possibilities of what you can build with Bricks.

Key Features

Elements Library –

  • Accordion: Create collapsible content sections with ease.
  • Alerts: Add customizable alert messages to your website.
  • Animated Headings: Add animations to your headings to grab attention.
  • Button Groups: Create groups of buttons with customizable styles.
  • Card: Create customizable cards with images, text, and buttons.
  • Countdown: Add countdown timers to your website.
  • Counter: Display counters with customizable styles and animations.
  • FAQ: Create FAQ sections with accordion-style questions and answers.
  • Flip Box: Create interactive flip boxes with customizable styles.
  • Gallery: Create customizable image galleries with lightbox effects.
  • Icon List: Create lists with customizable icons and styles.
  • Image Compare: Create interactive image comparisons with customizable styles.
  • Modal: Create customizable modal windows with animations and effects.
  • Numbered Headings: Add numbered headings to your content.
  • Pagination: Create customizable pagination with previous/next links.
  • Progress Bar: Display progress bars with customizable styles and animations.
  • Social Share: Add social sharing buttons to your website.
  • Tabs: Create customizable tabs with animations and effects.
  • Testimonial: Create customizable testimonial sections with images and text.
  • Toggle: Create toggle buttons with customizable styles and animations.

Accessibility Features –

  • Accessibility Mode: Enable accessibility mode to improve website accessibility.
  • Skip to Content: Add a “Skip to Content” link for screen readers.
  • High Contrast Mode: Enable high contrast mode for improved readability.

Flexibility Features –

  • Custom CSS: Add custom CSS to individual elements or globally.
  • Custom JavaScript: Add custom JavaScript to individual elements or globally.
  • Element Conditions: Control element visibility based on conditions (e.g., user role, page type).


BricksExtras is a powerful plugin that expands the possibilities of what you can build with Bricks Builder. With its growing library of elements and features, focus on accessibility and flexibility, BricksExtras is an excellent choice for anyone looking to take their website to the next level.

Original Files

GPL Licenced

Frequent Updates

Great Savings

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