Automatic.css Plugin

Version 2.8.3 Updated on May 1, 2024

Or buy single with 1 year manual updates

Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $6.80.

… Licensed under GPLv2 (or later) – learn more

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Automatic.css Plugin

Automatic.css, also known as ACSS, is a popular CSS framework for WordPress that is consistently voted as the best framework for WordPress page builders. It combines innovative features, best practices, unparalleled support, and education to help users create consistent designs and speedy websites.

ACSS offers several benefits, including no decision fatigue, effortless design consistency, automatic mobile optimization, maintainability and scalability, limitless flexibility, and best practices, support, and education. With ACSS, you can set up and adjust your site’s styling with a simple dashboard and build your site with ACSS’s classes and variables, resulting in a site that is automatically responsive, scalable, and maintainable.

Some of the key features of ACSS include the ability to set and swap your website’s brand colors in seconds, enjoy fluid responsive typography out of the box, get beautiful spacing rhythm on every site with zero effort, build any layout in seconds with responsive grids and columns, create maintainable components with simple styling tokens, and solve common development headaches with a few clicks.

ACSS is built for freelance and agency work and offers quality of life features that no other framework on the planet offers. It also has handy right-click contextual menus that let you easily see the classes and variables available for a given style and add them directly within the page builder in a single click.

Overall, ACSS is a powerful and flexible CSS framework that can help you build scalable, maintainable, and consistent websites with hardly any effort.


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